Education may be divided into two classes—general or
liberal and technical. General education aims at filling the mind with general
knowledge of arts and sciences. The latter aims at giving specialized training
in some particular branch of applied science, such as engineering, medicine, spinning
The prosperity of a country depends on her industry, and
industry again depends on technical knowledge. There are some countries that
are poor in row materials; still they have achieved prosperity through
industries by virtue of their technical knowledge. On the contrary there are
countries that have remained poor in spite of their natural resources. This is
because the people have not been able to make proper use of their wealth for
want of technical knowledge. India is a glaring example of this. In fact, the
most prosperous countries are those that have advanced in technical knowledge.
Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Japan are very good example
of this. In this countries greater attention is paid to technical education
than to education of general kind.
When the British conquered India, the required a body of
men with sufficient knowledge to help them in running the administration. So,
they introduced a system of education that produced only clerks, administrators
and lawyers, in course of they were compelled by force of circumstances to open
a few technical institutions here and there. But they were too few to be much
of help towards the prosperity of the nation.
It is after independence that our Government has taken up
the question in right earnest. They know that industrial development requires a
large number of properly trained men. So the Indian government set up an all
India Council for Technical Education to develop technical education in planned
way. Also at the same time, Pakistan Government took a few steps to established
technical education in Bangladesh (the then east Pakistan). After independence,
the Government of Bangladesh established some institutes for technical
education. Many technical schools have opened for award of diploma and
certificates. For large supply of well-trained men power the government should
establish more technical institutes and applied science universities. But the
success of technical education depends on a good practical training. So the
technical knowledge gained in schools and colleges should be coordinated with
practical experience in firms and factories, and the curricula should be drawn
up in consultation with men engaged in them. Unfortunately, we are lagging behind
in this respects, and the sooner this defect is remedied, the better it is for
the country and its people.
Technical Education
Reviewed by LEARNING.COM
March 03, 2018
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