English Idioms and Expressions

Q1 “Come again”? Sorry, I didn't hear what you said.
 (a) Return it to me  (b) Speak louder, please  (c) Can you repeat that  (d) Can you come back

Q2 Your mom is going to “come down hard on” you if you don't clean your room now.
(a) reprimand (b) reward (c) exonerate (d) assist

Q3 New evidence “came to light” at the end of the trial.
(a) was hidden (b) was sheathed (c) was concealed (d) was revealed

Q4 Robert Koch was the first person to “come up with” a medicine to help in the treatment of Tuberculosis.
(a) eradicate (b) discover (c) vindicate (d) reveal

Q5 My dream of having my own house has finally “come true”.
(a) happened (b) become a fairy tale (c) surfaced (d) been revealed

Q6 A lot of people from the office I work at “came down with” the flu this past week.
(a) spread (b) dominated (c) got sick with (d) got healed from

Q7 At the end, it all “comes down to” the fact that you don't really care about me.
(a) intercedes to (b) interferes to (c) conspires to (d) is because of

Q8 When my boss asked me to come to his office this morning, little did I know I was “coming in for” some harsh comments.
(a) going to go through (b) going to make (c) going to profess (d) going to interpret

Q9 I was turning into the left lane when a car “came out of nowhere” and hit me.
(a) stopped right in front of me (b) suddenly appeared (c) spun over (d) fell off a truck

Q10 I need to “come to terms with” myself.
(a) have a dialogue (b) discuss (c) stop disappointing
(d) objectively and entirely confront and understand

Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. d
English Idioms and Expressions English Idioms and Expressions Reviewed by LEARNING.COM on April 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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