GRE (Graduate Record Examination)
Hello! As we know that GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is very important for us. Basically for getting opportunity to study in the USA. Besides that, if a learner prepare himself for GRE, he/she will get good score at any English test. So, I am going to share some word lists for you.
Abase(v): lower; degrade; humiliate. She refused to abase herself. Abasement(n)
Abash(v): embarrass. John was not at all abashed by his open admiration.
Abate(v): subside or moderate. Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.
Abbreviate(v): shorten. We are running out of time, you have to abbreviate your speech.
Abdicate: give up, renounce. When Edward Vlll abdicated the British throne, he surprised the whole world.
Aberrant(adj): abnormal or deviant. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.
Aberration(n): abnormality; departure from the norm; mental irregularity or disorder. It remains the consensus among investors on Wall Street that current high oil prices are a temporary aberration and that we shall soon see a return to cheap oil.
Abet(v): assist; usually in doing something wrong; encourage. She was unwilling to abet him in the swindle he had planned.
Abeyance(n): suspended action; The deal was held in abeyance until his arrival.
Abhor(v): detest; hate. She abhorred all forms of bigotry. Abhorrence(n)
Abject(adj): wretched; lacking pride. On the streets of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.
Abjure(v): renounce upon oath; disavow. Pressure from university authorities caused the young scholar to abjure his heretical opinions. Abjuration(n)
Ablution(n): washing. His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled “Opera in the Bath”.
Abnegation(n): renunciation; self-sacrifice. Their act of abnegation was necessary to preserve the kingdom.
Abolish(v): cancel; put an end to. The president of the college refused to abolish the physical education requirement. Abolition(n).
Abominable(adj): detestable; extremely; unpleasant; very bad. Mary liked John until she learned he was also dating Susan; then she called him an abominable young man, with abominable taste in women.
Abominate(v): hate; loathe. Moses scolded the idol worshipers in the tribe because he abominated the custom.
To be continued...
WORD LIST WORD LIST Reviewed by LEARNING.COM on March 02, 2018 Rating: 5
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