The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 Shook British Rule in India

In Britain and in the West, it was almost always portrayed as a
series of unreasonable and bloodthirsty uprisings spurred by falsehoods about
religious insensitivity.
In India it has been viewed quite differently. And events of
1857 have been considered the first outbreak of an independence movement
against British rule.
The uprising was put down, but the methods employed by the
British were so harsh that many in the western world were offended. One common
punishment was to tie mutineers to the mouth of a cannon, and then fire the
cannon, completely obliterating the victim.
A popular American illustrated magazine, Ballou's Pictorial,
published a full-page woodcut illustration showing the preparations for such an
execution in its issue of October 3, 1857. In the illustration, a mutineer was
depicted chained to the front of a British cannon, awaiting his imminent
execution, as others were gathered to watch the grisly spectacle.
Background of the Sepoy Mutiny
By the 1850s the East India Company controlled much of India. A
private company which first entered India to trade in the 1600s, the East India
Company had eventually transformed into a diplomatic and military operation.
Large numbers of native soldiers, known as sepoys, were employed
by the company to maintain order and defend trading centers. The sepoys were
generally under the command of British officers.
In the late 1700s and early 1800s, sepoys tended to take great
pride in their military prowess, and they exhibited enormous loyalty to their
British officers. But in the 1830s and 1840s tensions began to emerge.
A number of Indians began to suspect that the British intended
to convert the Indian population to Christianity. Increasing numbers of
Christian missionaries began arriving in India, and their presence gave
credence to rumors of impending conversions.
There was also a general feeling that English officers were
losing touch with the Indian troops under them.
Under a British policy called the "doctrine of lapse,"
the East India Company would take control of Indian states in which a local
ruler had died without an heir. The system was subject to abuse, and the
company used it to annex territories in a questionable manner.
And as the East India Company annexed Indian states in the 1840s
and 1850s, the Indian soldiers in the company's employ
began to feel offended.
A New Type of Rifle Cartridge Caused Problems
The traditional story of the Sepoy Mutiny is that the
introduction of a new cartridge for the Enfield rifle provoked much of the
The cartridges were wrapped in paper, which had been coated in a
grease which made the cartridges easier to load in rifle barrels. Rumors began
to spread that the grease used to make the cartridges was derived from pigs and
cows, which would be highly offensive to Muslims and Hindus.
There is no doubt that conflict over the new rifle cartridges
sparked the uprising in 1857, but the reality is that social, political, and
even technological reforms had set the stage for what happened.
(to be continued)
The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857
Reviewed by LEARNING.COM
October 05, 2017

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