1 . Abandon(v): relinquish; resign; forgo; discontinue; waive; abdicate; leave; quit; evacuate; desert; discard.
2. Abet(v): aid; assist; support; encourage; incite; instigate.
3. Abhor(v): hate; dislike; loathe; despise; abominate; Detest.
4. Abide(v): bear; endure; remain; stay; dwell; Live.
5. Ability(n): power; competence; skill; faculty.
6. Abjure(v): abdicate; resign; withdraw; renunciate; relinquish.
7. Abolish(v): annul; cancel; nullify; abrogate; annihilate.
8. Abrupt(adj): sudden; hasty; quick; rough; curt; casual; snappy; accidental; unexpected.
9. Abscond(v): hide; slip away; leave; depart; run away; make off; decamp.
10. Awaken(v): enkindle; raise from the dead; arouse; revive.
synonymous words
Reviewed by ENGLISH.COM
October 02, 2017

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