1. Normally an individual thunderstorm lasts about 45 minutes, but under certain conditions the storm may _______ , becoming ever more severe, for as long as four hours.
(a) wane (b) moderate (c)
persist (d) disperse (e) vacillate
2 2. Perhaps because something in
us instinctively distrusts such displays of natural fluency, some readers
approach John’s fiction with ____
(a) indifference (b) suspicion
(c) veneration (d) recklessness (e) bewilderment
3 3. We lost confidence in him
because he never _____ the grandiose promises he had made.
(a) forgot about (b) reneged on
(c) tired of (d) retreated from (e)delivered on
4 4. If you are trying to make a
strong impression on your audience, you cannot do so by being understated,
tentative, or __________ .
(a)hyperbolic (b)
restrained (c) passionate (d) authoritative (e) argumentative
5. Despite the mixture’s _______ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in
5. Despite the mixture’s _______ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in
the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize.
acerbic (b) insipid (c) homogeneous (d) volatile (e) resilient
Answers of the above questions:
1. C 2.b
3. e 4. b 5. d
Complete the following sentences with appropriate word(s):
Reviewed by LEARNING.COM
October 14, 2017

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