Drowsiness - feeling sleepy ; half asleep
Stray - wander ; lose one's way
Disrobe - undress
Acumen - Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
Suffocate - cause or have difficulty in breathing
Sporadic - happening from time to time
Scent - smell (especially pleasant)
Sequence - succession connected line of
Audacious - Bold
Affinity - close connection; relationship
Animosity- strong dislike
Heterogeneous- made up of different kinds
Fragile - easily injured, broken or destroyed
Legacy - Bequest or inheritance
Massacre - cruel killing of a large number of people
Appease - make quiet or calm
Submerge - put under water; liquid sink out of sight
Adulteration - making impure; poorer in quality
Combustion - process of burning
Premature - doing or happening something before the right time
Shunned - avoided, kept away from
Anguish - severe suffering
Apt - well-suited; quick-witted
Conceal - Hide ; keep secret
Grumble - to complain
Indigenous - native
Offhand - Without preparation or forethought
Loll - rest to sit or stand in a lazy way hang (dog's tongue)
Correlate - have a mutual relation
Somersault - rolling backward or forward (not sideways) movement
Abscond - to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)
to be continued
GRE(Graduate Record Examination)
Reviewed by LEARNING.COM
September 23, 2017

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