fawn | To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious | |||||||||||||||
wince | show bodily or mental pain | |||||||||||||||
feud | bitter quarrel over a long period of time | |||||||||||||||
cognizant | being fully aware of | |||||||||||||||
substantiation | giving facts to support (statement) | |||||||||||||||
euthanasia | easy and painless death | |||||||||||||||
irate | angry | |||||||||||||||
underbid | make a lower bid then somebody else | |||||||||||||||
alcove | recess/partially enclosed place | |||||||||||||||
frantic | wildly excited with joy; pain; anxiety | |||||||||||||||
peccadillo | small sin small weakness in one's character | |||||||||||||||
pervade | spread through every part of | |||||||||||||||
decree | order given by authority | |||||||||||||||
concoct | invent, prepare by mixing together | |||||||||||||||
turquoise | greenish-blue precious stone | |||||||||||||||
miser | person who loves wealth and spends little | |||||||||||||||
valiant | brave | |||||||||||||||
derogatory | insulting; tending to damage | |||||||||||||||
lost brightness
GRE(Graduate Record Examination)
Reviewed by LEARNING.COM
September 20, 2017

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